Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So far the odds appear to be against us in gathering information from people directly involved with the project. We've had no responses from various e-mails sent out, from the director of the Hantz Farms project to others involved in Detroit urban farms.

We did have one bite, however it has turned into another dead end. We e-mailed the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at MSU (he and various students are involved in the project) and actually received a response quite quickly, assuring us he'd be happy to help and that we should set up a phone call with his assistant. Right as that was going underway, we get a response from his assistant today telling us that they will not be able to give us any information as they've signed a non-disclosure form.


They did refer us to someone else, although I'm not sure what their part is in the project. So we're still waiting, waiting, waiting...

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